Saturday, May 14

Siemet/ This year

Iskart perspeju, bus DAUG nuotrauku. Jei taip nesi pasiruosus/pasiruoses atleisk. Taigi, nusprendziau sukelt visus darbus kuriuos teko padaryti siemet universiteto projektams. Ne visi darbai geri, tad smarkiai nesmerkite, prasau. Keliais sakiniais aprasysiu kieviena projekta, ir koki ivertinima gavau. Bet is pradziu ivertinimo lentele/I'm warning you from the very beginning, there's going to be A LOT of photos in this blog. If you're not ready for it - sorry. So I decided to put all work I did this year for university projects. Not all of these are good, so don't judge. I'll explain every project a bit and what mark I got. But at first, grading system :

1-4 puiku/excellent, 5-8 labai gerai/very good, 9-12 gerai/good, 13-16 isslaikyta/pass, 17-20 neislaikyta/fail.

Taigi. Pradedu/Okay, I'm starting:

Pirmas projektas: Painting with light. Buvo duotas sarasas klasikiniu paveikslu, kuriuos turejom perteikti fotografija. Pirmas bandymas su juosta. (Kadangi esu tingus zmogus, tai negatyvu neskanavau, o tiesiog perfotografavau nuotraukas)./ First Project: Painting with light. We had a list of classical painting and had to make an interpretation for them by making a photographs. First time using film. (because I'm a lazy person I didn't scanned negatives and just photographed photos)
Ivertinimas/Mark: 14

Madame de Pompadour at her tambour table                  Lady writing a letter with her maid


Antras projektas: Natural Light. Turejome pasirinktinai padaryti 4-6 nuotraukas, as pasirinkau viduriuka ir padariau 5. Turbut ir taip gan aiski tema - dviraciai. juoda/balta juosta. Patys ryskinome juostas, patys dareme nuotraukas. (Taip pat perfotografuota)/ Second project: Natural Light. We had to make 4-6 picture for this project. i chose the middle - 5. I believe my theme is very clear - bikes. Black and white film. We developed films ourselves and made pictures ourselves as well. (As well, photographed photos.)
Ivertinimas/Mark: 13

Trecias projektas: Behind the Scenes. Uzduotis gan aiski. Susirast muzikanta, grupe, menininka, sportininka, sokeje ir t.t. ir fiksuoti tai ko siaip nemato ziurovai. Taigi, kadangi puse projekto laiko praleidau Lietuvoje, pasinaudojau ta proga ir fiksavau druago grupes repeticijas. / Third project: Behind the scenes. Quite straight forward one. We had to choose one kind of performer - musician, band, artist, dancer, sportsmen, etc and capture what a viewer can't see. And because I spend half of project back in Lithuania I chose to capture my friends bands rehearsals.
Ivertinimas/Mark: 10

Ketvirtas projektas: Studio project. Uzduotis paprasta, padaryti egzistuojancio arba ne zurnalo virseli. Mano zurnalas neegzistuojantis C.T.S - Circle Triangle Square (Apskritimas, trikampis, kvadratas). / Fourth project: Studio project. A simple task, to do a cover for a magazine (existing or not). I created my own one. C.T.S. stands for Circle triangle Sqaure. 
Ivertinimas/Mark: 10

Penktas projektas: Vinyl Sleeve. Na, apie sita jau rasiau atskira bloga. Trumpai: Sukurti tris skirtingus albumo virselius dainai Pop Levi - Crying Chic / Fifth project: Vinyl Sleeve. I wrote about this already. We just had to make 3 different album cover for a song Pop Levi - Crying Chic
Ivertinimas/Mark: 13

Sestas projektas: Potraiture. 5 nuotrauku serija. Mano tema - menu studentai. Labai paskutinem dienom darytas projektas, tai todel tokia ir kokybe. / Sixth project: Portraiture. A series of 5 pictures. My theme - art students. Very very rushed project, that's why so shitty.
Ivertinimas/Mark: 13

Septintas projektas: Dreams and Reality. A1 dydzio nuotrauka. Reikejo suaglvoti kazka tarp sapnu/svajoniu ir realybes. Maniske ideja: gerves skrenda ir kompiuterio. Privaloma naudoti Photoshop'a. / Seventh project: Dreams and reality. A1 size print. We needed to come up with something between dreams and reality. My idea - cranes are flying out of computer. Photoshop was a must!
Ivertinimas/Mar: Laukimias/Pending

Ir galiausiai, astuntas projektas: Urban Landscape. Fiksuoti aplinka aplink Olimpinio stadiono statybas. Plius, reikejo parasyt po trumpa komentariuksti po kiekviena nuotrauka. Mano serijos tema - kokia itaka gyvenimui tame rajone turi Olimpis miestelis. /And finally, eight project: Urband landscape. To capture landscapes around Olympic site building. Plus, we had to write some captions for it. With my series I tried to show how Olympic site is affecting the area around it. 
Ivertinimas/Mark: Laukiamas/Pending.
Little by little nature is overtaken by new modern urban buildings.
The canal works has already started. Water transportation is on it’s way.

Back in a day this place never was as crowded as it is nowadays. Thankfully to Olympic site, people are attracted to come and seek it’s development in the area.
·        Because of all this construction and reconstruction madness there are a lot of places in the area that people are not allowed to. 

       Influenced by Olympic site building a lot of other building sites are in process of ‘growing’ as well.

Tai tiek. Liko sulaukt rezultatu dvieju paskutniu projektu ir as antrakurse. / And that's it. All I have to do is wait for the last two projects results and I'm a second year..

Atsiprasau, kad be lietuvisku raidziu. Neturiu ju :/

1 comment:

  1. Me like it.Greta like it. Ypac du paskutiniai ir dviraciu fotografijos;]
