O šiaip jau, nuo penktadienio praradau norą betkam. Nieko nebesinori daryt, rašyt ir net klausyti muzikos.. Todėl šis blogas irgi bus toks blah. Kuris, beje, čia ir pasibaigs, nes visiškai neturiu minčių, kurias galėčiau išsakyt, nesileisdama pernelyg giliai į asmeniškumus.
Firstly I'll start with the photos from 'Portraiture' project. I was planning this blog since last week Wednesday. I don't like these pictures, but I didn't put any effort to them and made all of them at the last minute, so don't expect good images.
I don't want anything since Friday. I don't want to do anything, don't want to write or even listen to music. Therefore this blog is going to be 'blah'. And it's going to finish here, because I'm going to get too personal if I'll try to write more..
Hey, what's wrong?;]
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